Poppy’s Birth Story

First Birth

Water birth

The Barkantine Birth Centre

My partner and I did the Hackney Hypnobirthing in person course in January 2022 at the recommendation of a friend. The knowledge and tools we gained from the course were vital in preparing and supporting us for the birth of our first child.

I went into labour at 3am the night after my due date. I had 19 hours of early labour at home. I prepared the spare room with e-candles and listened to Anna’s hypnobirthing MP3s on repeat. They gave me something familiar to focus on and kept me calm and positive. There were lots to choose from which added variation to what was a long day. My cat kept me company and the vibe was very relaxed. I left my partner to sleep in until 9am so he would be rested and better able to support me during labour. 

One of the most helpful parts of the Hypnobirthing course was how it involves and prepares the birth partners. B was there for me every step of the way, offering massage, making sure I was fed, watered and going to the toilet regularly, communicating with the birth centre, advocating for me and physically supporting my rhythmic movements through each surge. I could not have done it without him and he felt informed empowered and integral thanks to what we learnt on Anna’s course. 

At 10pm we were invited in to The Barkantine Birth Centre. We were met by our midwives and my waters broke soon after. We set up with our candles and MP3s and, with the benefit of gas and air, I danced and moaned my way through the next few hours. I had wanted a water birth and Loxely was born in the birth pool at 4:30 am on 1 March. I had to transfer to the Royal London for stitches but managed to take this unexpected turn of events in my stride, feeling like I was making informed decisions that were right for me and my baby. After the stitches my partner successfully advocated for us to transfer back to the birth centre rather than stay on the labour ward for postnatal care and breast feeding support, which was truly invaluable. 

Thanks to Anna’s course, we look back on our birth experience as something beautiful transformative and shared - a real team effort! I cannot thank Anna enough for sharing her knowledge, tools and tips and down to earth humour. It really made all the difference to our birth.